EUROFLEETS2 is a EU funded project providing scientists with 200 fully funded days of ship-time and 104 fully funded days of marine equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any field of marine sciences.

  • Polar and Subpolar Call OPEN Application deadline: 24th of May 2013
  • Super-Integration Call – Expression of interest – OPEN – until the 15th of May 2013.

This Call seeks a truly cross cutting proposal which needs to mobilise a combination of EUROFLEETS Research Vessels (RVs) together with other appropriate scientific tools like nationals RVs, research planes or onshore infrastructures with their own EC or national funding. All EUROFLEETS RVs and equipment are available for this call.

The “Expression of Interest” is not binding but desirable. Logistically accepted pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal from the 14th of June till the 16th of September 2013.


For more information and eligibility criteria visit:

If you have further questions please contact:

Informative session at: EGU2013 - Townhall Meeting

“Ship-time opportunities within EUROFLEETS2”

Tuesday 09 April, 19:00–20:00, Room B3


EUROFLEETS2 Evaluation Office

Dr. Verónica Willmott-Puig
International Cooperation & Research Funding
Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Am Handelshafen 12

Tel: +49 0 471 4831-2148
Fax: +49 0 471 4831-2142

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