Subject: Save the date: Arctic Observing Summit - Implementation & Optimization Working Group - pre-AGU meeting Dec 9, 1-5pm

Dear colleagues,

this is to let you know that we have scheduled a working meeting of the Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) Working Group 2 - Observing System Implementation & Optimization on the Sunday prior to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Here’s the key information on time & location - more details will follow in November. 

Please RSVP if you are planning to attend so we get a good idea of the total number of participants.

Arctic Observing Summit Working Group 2 - Observing System Implementation and Optimization Working Meeting

Sunday, December 9, 1.00-5.00pm 

Arctic Research Consortium of US
1201 New York Avenue NW, 4th Floor
Washington DC 20005


Here’s a rough, tentative outline of the meeting, but if there are specific items you would like to see addressed, please let us know:

- AOS WG 2 - Review/completion of observing system assessment case studies and resulting products

- Outbrief and follow-up from Arctic Science Ministerial, including side meeting "Towards a roadmap for coordinated Arctic Observing”

- AOS WG 2 and SAON Committee on Observations and Networks: Next steps in working towards action items identified at AOS 2018 and ASM2

Dial-in is possible: +1-866-832-7806. Participant code: 9332083


With best regards,

Hajo & Sandy.


Hajo Eicken
Director - International Arctic Research Center
Professor of Geophysics - Department of Geosciences
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Mailing Address:
POB 757340
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7340
Phone: (907) 474-7280
Skype ID: hajoeicken



Sandy Starkweather, PhD NOAA Climate Program Office Executive Director | US Arctic Observing Network (US AON)Boulder, CO303.497.5247See NOAA's Arctic Work | ( 

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