You are invited to the Creating high impact partnerships in International Data and Observing Work: US Committee to the Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON) meeting on October 21 from 3:00 - 4:15 pm ET (11 am AKT).
This meeting, hosted by the Arctic Observing Systems Sub-Team in conjunction with the Arctic Data Sub-Team, will feature the following presentations:
1. Organizational context and progress from the US AON Board perspective (Roberto Delgado, 10 min)
2. Progress since AOS and on the ROADS process (Sandy Starkweather, 10 min)
3. Arctic and polar data community activities (e.g. hackathons) (Peter Pulsifer, 10 min)
This meeting is open for anyone to participate, and there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions. We will conclude with updates from the community. We invite all meeting attendees to share announcements, recent findings (published or unpublished), ideas for collaboration, requests for future meetings, or anything that you wish to share or ask, etc. Please see the agenda for more information.
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If you will connect to audio via telephone please enter your participant ID when prompted.
If you plan to connect via telephone only (no computer)
Dial 877 853 5247; Meeting ID 414 412 6898
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