Agenda item Document no Document Title Document author
 0  02  GoToMeeting dial-in information  Secretariat
 0  10  Draft agenda, version 23rd January 2018  Executive
 3  11  SAON Implementation, version 23rd January 2018  SAON Board
 4  07  Recommendations, version 8th January 2018  SAON Secretariat Financing Task Force
 5  (link)  Arctic Observing Summit web page  AOS Executive
 6  09  SAON and GEO  Hannele Savela and Peter Pulsifer
 6  (links)  AfriGEOSS
 Asia-Oceania GEOSS (AOGEOSS)
 7  01  Exploring Common Solutions for the Arctic Environment Ministers Meeting (Concept paper)   Finland AC chairmanship
 7  05  Invitation to provide input Guidance for the Working Groups, dated 12th December 2017  Finland AC chairmanship
 7  08  SAON 2-pager for Arctic Environment Ministers Meeting, version 22nd January 2018  Secretariat

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