Call for Sessions
The organizers of POLAR2018 are now accepting session proposals for the joint SCAR and IASC Open Science Conference “Where the Poles meet“, which will be held on 19 - 23 June 2018.
A template to submit session proposals, including a brief session description, the contact information of the session conveners and other details, is available here. This pages uses google forms; if the use of google forms is blocked by your institute, please email to receive a word document. We are looking for sessions that cover a broad range of topics across the spectrum of Polar and high altitude research, such as, but not limited to, climate, glaciology, social and human sciences, ice sheets, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, biology, astronomy, geology, economic aspects, sustainable development, technology and education. There will be oral and poster sessions as well as e-poster sessions with a mini-oral.

  • The organizing committee strongly encourages session topics that encapsulate research conducted in both the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • We also encourage including early career scientists as conveners and encourage diversity regarding conveners’ nationalities, gender, and where possible, indigenous peoples.

The tasks of the conveners include:

  • Soliciting submissions for their session;
  • reviewing the abstracts submitted for the session;
  • working with the International Scientific Organizing Committee to arrange the program of their session, including oral and poster presentations and
  • chairing the session.  

Depending on the session proposals received, the International Scientific Organizing Committee might have to merge similar session where necessary and appropriate.

Dates to remember
Session proposal submission deadline: 30 November 2016
Notification of lead conveners: 31 March 2017
Further deadlines can be found here.
Any questions should be directed to:

The co-chairs of the International Scientific Organizing Committee
Martin Schneebeli
Karin Lochte
Huigen Yang

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