During the meeting, it was agreed to establish a working group focused on enabling federated search between and among polar data centers and catalogues.  This would build on the Arctic Data Committee's "Metadata Elements" initiative, work that SCADM has done for many years, and would be very relevant to the emerging GEO Community Portal. During that meeting it was mentioned that Halldór Jóhannssonn and his team at Arctic Portal may be able contribute significant resources towards this effort.  Halldór has confirmed the availability of these resources in the form of a new postdoc who has recently joined their team. 

A preliminary meeting of the joint ADC-IARPC Vocabularies and Semantic working group  (https://arcticdc.org/activities/core-projects/vocabularies-and-semantics-wg) will be held on October 17th at 14:00 EST.  This group is open to all and is in its formative stage, all are encouraged to join. Please contact group co-leads Øystein Godøy (o.godoy@met.no) or Ruth Duerr (ruth.duerr@ronininstitute.org). 

Detailed minutes will be available here



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