The 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial was held 26th October 2018 in Berlin.
Prior to the meeting, the Arctic Observing Summit Executive Committee, the EU Joint Research Centre and SAON had organised a side meeting with the title Towards a roadmap for coordinated Arctic Observing; approximately 80 people attended. Presentations are available here.
The Arctic Science Forum, held the day before the Ministerial meeting, had three themes:
- Strengthening, Integrating and Sustaining Arctic Observations, Facilitating Access to Arctic Data, and Sharing Arctic Research Infrastructure
- Understanding Regional and Global Dynamics of Arctic Changes
- Assessing Vulnerability and Building Resilience of Arctic Environments and Societies
In the draft statement from the ministerial meeting, SAON is mentioned (with others) in a context where ministers want to continue and expand the cooperation within the first theme by progressively moving from the design to the deployment phase of an integrated Arctic observing system which also supports and includes community-based observatories.
The report of the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial is available here
Joint Statement of Ministers is available here