This report describes the first instance to employ the international assessment framework for arctic observations developed by SAON and IDA STPI in 2017. Earth Observation (EO) inputs like SYNOP station measurements of physical atmosphere and in other stations ocean variables were linked to key products/outcomes/services like numerical weather prediction and through groups like in this case weather service connected to key objectives of the assessment framework. Representative yearly unit costs of EO inputs and modelling components were estimated by station experts or estimated based on European Union projects or Copernicus program tenders. The WMO OSCAR database for satellite and surface observation systems north of 60°N was used for numbers of the different station and mission categories in the Arctic. The total yearly value of this observation system including EO inputs and modeling is over 204 million €. Compared to the observing system estimated costs in the area 30°N to 60°N this is only about a fifth.
The value tree can now follow and combine the value invested in these components as it flows towards services. The key objectives have been connected by SAON/AMAP project members in a workshop to the services to build the first full value tree for a certain kind of observations. These observations are mainly produced by national meteorological and marine institutes in an operational mode. The yearly value invested in the observation can now be distributed between the 12 Societal Benefit Areas and their sub areas identified in the assessment framework. The value tree is presented at a web page by FMI and Spatineo (2019) with a browser that can highlight single components to analyze which inputs and which SBA targets its being used for. This can help to more holistically support the whole observation system for optimal impact on societal benefit.
The value tree tool will be available for further work to address the many more EO domains like atmospheric composition or biodiversity. All in all this report can hopefully start a continuous action to update and improve the value tree. EO inputs are not static, the network changes, the costs are fluctuating and as the Arctic is becoming more accessible, it would be important to extend the observation system accordingly.
The report is available here.


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