We are pleased to announce the launch of www.arcticcbm.org, an online Atlas of Community Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic. We hope that the atlas will help raise awareness about the important role of community-based and led monitoring programs in Arctic observing, and serve as a resource for researchers, funders, policy makers, and interested communities.
The atlas is an initiative of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA), Brown University’s Environmental Change Initiative, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s Inuit Qaujisarvingat: Inuit Knowledge Center, and Carleton University’s Geomatics and Cartographic Information Centre, and is connected to the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON). A
secondary phase of the initiative will involve in-depth interviews with CBM practitioners to identify best practices and challenges. The information gathered will inform a review on the state of CBM in the Arctic.
We are currently seeking community-based monitoring (CBM) programs to join the atlas! If you know of a CBM project that might like to be part of the atlas, please share the atlas website with them. Project coordinators can enter information about their monitoring programs at www.arcticcbm.org directly.
If you have any questions about the atlas, please contact:
Noor Johnson: Noor_Johnson@brown.edu,
Eva Kruemmel: ekruemmel@inuitcircumpolar.com, or
Peter Pulsifer: pulsifer@nsidc.org