Agenda item Document no Document Title Document author
 0  01  GoToMeeting dial-in  Secretariat
 1  06  Draft agenda version 12th June 2016  Secretariat
 2  08  SAON Board Meeeting 26th May 2019. Draft Minutes Version 12th June 2019  Secretariat
 3  (link to folder with meeting documents)  Road Map Task Force documents  Road Map Task Force
 (link)  Drafting the Roadmap to Arctic Observing (RAO): Organizational strategy  Road Map Task Force
 5a  07  Invitation to Potsdam meeting for consortia leads  Thorsteinn Gunnarsson and Jan Rene Larsen
 5b  05  Collaborative Research: Research Networking Activities in Support of Sustained Coordinated Observations of Arctic Change. Proposal to NSF-AON, Final Version, submitted 31 May 2019  Hajo Eicken et al
 6  (link)  WMO Report to the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) Board. Version 2  WMO (Etienne Charpentier)
 8  03  Arctic Circle: Assembly, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10-13 October, 2019  
 04  Arctic Earth System Modelling Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26 - 27 November 2019  



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