Agenda item Document no Document Title Document author
 1  03  Draft agenda version 8th July  Executive
   Draft minutes from Board teleconference 12th June Version 9th July  Secretariat
   Executive teleconference 24th June. Meeting notes  Secretariat
 09  GoToMeeting dial-in  
 2  (link to folder with RMTF meeting documents)  Road Map Task Force documents  Road Map Task Force
 (link to dcoument in folder with RMTF meeting documents)  Drafting the Roadmap to Arctic Observing (RAO): Organizational strategy  Road Map Task Force
 3a  (link to web site)  Polar Data Forum  
 4  06  Horizon 2020. Work Programme 2018-2020.
Two calls mention SAON:
- LC-CLA-21-2020: Coordination of European Polar research (p. 46-47)
- LC-CLA-20-2020: Supporting the implementation of GEOSS in the Arctic in collaboration with Copernicus (page 53-54)
European Commission
 07  Comments to calls from Eva Kruemmel (ICC), 8th July 2019  
 04  Draft agenda for 17th July Potsdam meeting. Version 8th July  Chairmanship and Secretariat
 5  05  Teleconference with GEO Secretariat 27th June 2019. Meeting notes  Secretariat
 12  WMO Report to SAON (v3, updated from the report presented at Arkhangelsk May meeting  WMO (Etienne Charpentier)
 11  Mapping of SAON Strategy and Implementation Plan with WMO Strategic Plan 2020-2023
 10  WMO Presentation to SAON Teleconference of 10 July (updated from presentation made at the May meeting)
 7  (link to web sites) Arctic Observing Summit 2020
 Arctic Science Summit Week 2020
 9a  08  Draft letter of support for AWI MUSE  



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