Agenda item Document no Document Title Document author
 0  14  Draft agenda version 23rd May 2019  Executive
 0  13  List of participants version 21st May 2019  Secretariat
 0  02  GoToMeeting dial-in  Secretariat
 0  (link to document)  SAON Board meeting 7th May. Draft minutes version 23rd May  Secretariat
 0  (link to document)  SAON Executive teleconference 13th May 2019: Draft meeting notes version 15th May 2019  Secretariat
 3a  10  Collaborative Research: Research Networking Activities in Support of Sustained Coordinated Observations of Arctic Change DRAFT Proposal to NSF-AON, v2, 19 May 2019  Hajo Eicken, Sandy Starkweather, Henry W. Loescher, Raychelle Daniel, Peter Pulsifer, Matt Jones, Will Ambrose, Alice Bradley, Craig Lee, Cecilia Bitz, An Nguyen, Patrick Heimbach, Scott Rupp
 24  RNA/NSF proposal - Comments from Denmark (25th May 2019)  Helle Poulsen
 3b  21  Road Map Task Force (RMTF). Summary document  Secretariat
 (link to folder)  Road Map Task Force (RMTF). Folder with meeting documents  Secretariat
 3c  (link)  Arctic Observations Value Trees (FMI platform)  Mikko Strahlendorff
 4a  15  Update on Arctic Data Committee Activities (presentation)  Peter L. Pulsifer, Marten Tacoma, Stein Tronstad, Pip Bricher, Anton Van de Putte  
 (link)  Third Polar Data Forum  
 5a  22  Models for SAON engagement in funded project calls  Secretariat
(Document from Board teleconference 7th May 2019)  Questions to SAON on engagement in coming EU H2020  Jeremy P. Wilkinson, BAS; Michael J. Karcher, AWI
 6  18  AOS: Draft themes and sub-themes  AOS Executive Committee
   23  Update on AOS: Presentation  Hajo Eicken, Alice Bradley, Sandy Starkweather, Maribeth Murray, Peter Schlosser
 8  19  SAON Secretariat financing. Budget and overview of contributions  Secretariat
 9  20  WMO Report to the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) Board. Version 2  Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat)
     WMO presentation  Etienne Charpentier
 10  16  AMAP Microplastics and Litter Work Plan (Document for AMAP Heads of Delegation meeting April 2019)  AMAP
 17  Proposed Radioactivity Expert Group Work Plan (Document for AMAP Heads of Delegation meeting April 2019)  AMAP

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