Agenda item | Document no | Document Title | Document author |
0 | 01 | GoToMeeting dial-in information | Secretariat |
1 | 11 | Draft agenda (version 27th October) | Executive |
2 | 05 | SAON Strategic Framework (version 16th October 2017) | Frascati workshop |
2 | 10 | SAON Strategic Framework (version 16th October 2017). Comments from Sweden |
Ulf Jonsell, Sweden |
2 | 06 | References cited for SAON strategic goal 2 | Peter L. Pulsifer |
4 | 03 | Arctic Observation value tree analysis for atmospheric and oceangraphic variables proposal | Mikko Strahlendorf, Finland |
4 | (link) | The International Arctic Observations Assessment Framework | STPI and SAON |
6 | (link) | Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and SAON (Meeting document from Board meeting, Prague, 7th April 2017) | SAON and GEO Secretariats |
7b | 08 | IMOBAR | EC |
Obsolete documents: 02, 04, 07, 09
SAON Strategic Framework Version 16th October 2017
Peter L. Pulsifer: Update on Arctic Data Committee for SAON Board