Citizen scientists have transcribed 1,751,306 hourly weather records as of December 13th 2014.
The Committee will meet 10th-11th November in Potsdam, Germany.
The Chair of the Committee is Peter Pulsifer, NSIDC, USA (Peter.Pulsifer(at)
The Committee will meet 9th December in Ottawa, Canada.
The Chair of the Committee is Lisa Loseto (Lisa.Loseto(at)
The International Permafrost Association (IPA) and the Climate and Cryosphere project (CliC) are seeking your input. We invite you to participate in a survey on ‘Permafrost Research Priorities’, which aims at identifying the top priorities in permafrost research. The process will span much of 2014 engaging the research community and will result in a short publication listing and putting into context research priorities. The document shall become the benchmark against which permafrost research should be gauged starting in 2015. The final document of priorities will be sent to national and international funding agencies, international organizations, policy makers, and others with interests in supporting permafrost research. It will form one of the outputs of the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III).
We are interested in collecting forward-looking research questions (max. 3) from individuals with professional interests in understanding physical, biogeochemical, ecological, and social processes that affect permafrost areas in the Arctic, the Antarctic and in mountain regions.
Thank you to all that contributed to the first phase of the Arctic Observing Assessment. In recent weeks, a first round of anonymous input about societal priorities in the Arctic was received by phone, e-mail, and the web. These responses were wide-ranging. A draft attempt has been made to group these responses into categories that would serve as the basis for the next steps of the Assessment.
At this time, 11 categories have been identified and made public in an online survey. Your input is again welcomed for the next step of the Arctic Observing Assessment for the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) and the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON). Please visit to review these categories and their descriptions and provide feedback about missing categories or edits to category descriptions.
Input is requested by August 8, 2014.