Document overview

 Document no  Document title
Meeting documents
 37  Agenda, version 26JUN2017
 31  Introductory note, version 22JUN2017
 19  Definitions: Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Guiding principles

- Quadrant
- The World Café (page 141)
- S-M-A-R-T
 34  Goal development template
  Retreat output document
 21  Table of contents
 18  SAON Mission & Vision
 22  SAON Goals
 SAON Guiding Principles, Means, Methods, Resources, Tools:
- Networks
- Committees (work plan)
- National coordination
- Involvement/role of Arctic Indigenous Peoples in SAON
- Resources and Funding
- Communication and Outreach
 23  SAON Background
 24  SAON is not
 42  'Ice-breaker' outcome (version 11AUG2017)
 11  Logistics, including hotel reservation, transportation and registration
 2  Form for hotel booking
 36  List of participants, version 22JUN2017
 5  ESA Polar Science meeting agenda
 16  GoToMeeting dial-in information
 Background reading - external documents
 (link)  2016 Arctic Science Ministerial Statement
 (link)   Arctic Observing Summit 2016 Conference Statement
 (link)  The International Arctic Observations Assessment Framework
 (link)  The Declaration from the 2017 Fairbanks Ministerial (Note article 30 and 33)
 (link)  Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation (Note pre-amble) 
 Background reading - SAON documents
 (link)   External review of SAON (summary)
 External review of SAON (full report)
 (link)  Current SAON Mission, Vision, and Goals
 (link)  Plan for the Implementation Phase of SAON (February 2011)
 Background reading - SAON Committee documents
 (link)  ADC Terms of Reference, version 4JAN2017
 12  ADC Work Plan, version 5JUN2017
 (link)  CON Terms of Reference, version 5MAY2017
 (link)  CON Work Plan, version 5MAY2017
 38  SAON External Review
 (link)  Development of an International Arctic Observations Assessment Framework
 39  Additional external input
 40  The Arctic Observing Summit (AOS)
 41  Impact assessment on a long-term investment on Arctic observations (IMOBAR)

Obsolete: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 32, 33, 35











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